I first met Tom White at REM Saturday Motocross at Glen Helen. He raced every week and did a great job as an announcer calling the races as well. With all the contributions he made to the motocross industry, I was sure he would be great for the film. I was right. He was probably the most knowledgeable person on the sport that I’ve ever met. He invited me to his home and his museum. The Early Years of Motocross Museum in Orange County, California is one of the most extensive motocross bike and memorabilia museums in the world. He was so gracious and helpful and allowed us full access to his photos, motorcycles, and posters. He was a pivotal person in the industry, but never put himself above others and interacted very closely with everyone at the track like family. He saw my passion and believed in me, which helped make things happen. Without him, this film probably wouldn’t have happened. What he brings to the film, no one else could.
All of us who raced with Tom knew him as a fun, approachable, sincere and downright good person. Life is full of surprises. Not all good ones. I didn’t know the man who was the most instrumental in helping me with my film would lose a battle with cancer ten years after I met him. RIP Tom and thank you again for sharing so much with us and allowing us into your life so graciously.