Before I ever secured credentials to start shooting at National races for “The Art of Moto”, I shot hours of footage at Nationals and other events. On one of those occasions, I was at Redbud shooting practice trackside when I noticed a rider watching other riders practice just a few feet away from me. I approached him and we began conversing. I asked him how he was doing and if he qualified for the race. He politely responded, “Yes, I’m running 9th in the series so far this season.” I quickly apologized and asked for his forgiveness. He smiled and said, “No worries!” Andrew McFarlane introduced himself and invited me back to the Kawasaki pit area to do an interview. He was as gracious as one could be and shared his immense passion for the sport we love. He truly loved riding his “motorbike” (that’s what he called it) for a living and genuinely loved this sport.
It was my pleasure as we shared our thoughts about motocross and how difficult it is. We had a conversation afterward, and I felt like a got to know him in that short amount of time. He spoke about his wife and family and how much he loved them. When we finished, all he asked for was a DVD for giving me the interview. I promised him one, but Andrew had the misfortune of physically leaving our planet just two years later in a horrific crash that ended his life. After we met, it would be six more years until the film was completed. I regret I wasn’t able to come through with my promise to Andrew and decided it would be appropriate to dedicate the film to him. Thank you so much, Andrew. Godspeed and my eternal prayers to your wife and family.